Friday, September 16, 2011

Dream a little dream...

I dream a lot. Some dreams are more memorable than others, and occasionally they are prophetic. Last night's dream wasn't a prophetic one, but it certainly was memorable.

There was a good deal of intro to the dream, but I'll cut to the Second Act.

I'm at a bookstore and I know I need to ask for a masculine and a feminine book. When I get to the counter to ask for them I forget the names of the books. I'm looking everywhere trying to remember a word from the title, the authors name - anything! I draw a blank and feel self-conscious that there are people behind me wanting to find their books. So I ask where the feminine books are located, 'cause I know if I get the general area I'll be able to find the book I need. The lady tells me they are "downstairs in the tent". 
So down I go into the lower level of the bookstore. Once I'm in there and moving past the books I come to a stop right in front of a wall full of.....egg dishes. I'm talking like scrambled, curried egg for your sandwiches kinds of eggs. They all look pretty much the same, but when I get close up some have fettucine threaded through them, others are more like omlette style inaris. I don't know what to pick. I kind of want the fettucine egg, but then I think it's probably not good for me. I want to eat something but it's really hard to decide! A blonde woman is standing behind the shelf eating some egg and tells me it's all here because the Scientologists own the place and have lots of money, so they can afford it. I wonder why they have lots of money - do they save a lot, or do they just convince people to give them their money? 
Next minute I'm with my mum and a friend I went to school with. My friend is pregnant and I'm holding her belly. I can feel the baby moving around under my hands. Suddenly a light shines through her belly, giving it a pinky-orange glow. Now I can see the baby and it's little face comes up to the surface, under her skin. It's a little boy. It's beautiful and I try to take a photo to capture it. Each photo I take is a bit out of focus. I try really hard to get a sharp picture, but then I wonder why it needs to be in focus? Maybe the fact it's there is enough?

So I'm crazy, yeah? Thankfully I've learnt a thing or two about dream analysis over the last couple of years and now trust that we can learn a lot about ourselves through the conversations our soul has with us while we are asleep. It seems to me that knowing your own personal symbols and signposts goes a long way to figuring out how to interpret them.

Feminine books, 'eggs' and little babies not quite in focus - what's my soul telling me?

Books to me mean knowledge, education, learning - so seeking out some feminine knowledge, the secrets of the woman that exists within me, perhaps a reminder to listen to my inner voice and not the voices of those around me.

Eggs when they're not the chicken variety to me represent my little cell of life, also representing the feminine. There's so many things that are deemed to be the 'right' thing to do when you're trying to fall pregnant, but at the end of the day, only you know which things are right for you (and sometimes that can be hard to figure out, but that's ok).

And babies not quite in focus that I can feel before I can see them? Trust. Trust and believe that when the universe deems it so, babies will come. Maybe they'll even be a little boy...

Sleep Dream Sleep by 

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