After two years of earnest efforts to create our own little bub I am now 30 weeks into a healthy pregnancy.
A confirmed pregnancy left me with a dilemma. In the beginning I was so sick and exhausted that I had not one drop of creative energy left in me to write a post (my creative energy was obviously going elsewhere). As time went on I thought about writing again, but intuitively something kept telling me to hold off. Finally I realised what it was. I'm all about energy - energy in the here and now, and energy for the future, but not energy for the past.
So to honour that I've created a new blog talk about this stuff - a space for me to write about the equally eye opening adventures of pregnancy, and in time, all the things that motherhood brings.
Maybe it's superstitious, but it feels right to me to create a new space for all the things wonderful and new.
(Thanks for the pic